February 21, 2013

  • Valentines Tale Part 2

    So yeah you recall like 6 or 7 days ago when I promised to write a Valentines story? :/ lol

    Well this is only another part since i’ve been rushed off my feet recently and just not had time to deal with it all.

    Fortunately I do know where this story is going, so there is an end in sight I just need to get there is all :P

    Part One


    Kurt arrived early and claimed the reservation, noticing his jaw tighten into a grim smile as he read Jay’s surname. Sitting he looked about the restaurant, it was nice. Gentle low lighting and secluded booths with soft leather chairs and benches, he rubbed his faces with his hands and breathed out slowly.


    “So what do you think?” It was Katie’s voice. Kurt turned to see her walking up, she paused to do a half turn striking a silly pose before doing a quick twirl and giggling.


    “Wow.” Was all Kurt could manage for the moment. She was wearing a silky red dress that hugged her form perfectly. Subtle make up and scent added to the ensemble to overwhelm his senses.

    “Oh come on, Quit it!” She said blushing and hitting his shoulder before sliding into the seat opposite him.

    “I’m sorry about all this. As you can see Jay’s change of plans were VERY last minuet” She moved her napkin off her plate and looked down somewhat apologetically.

    “No it’s okay. It’s not like I had plans.” Kurt said his eyes still locked on her.


    “Heh well obviously, YOU never have plans, but I mean all this” She gestured around them and at herself.

    “Oh yeah I know you’d just be in sweats if it had been me you were going to dinner with.” Kurt mocked a smile on his face.

    “Don’t be an ass, you know what I mean” She responded blushing again and looking away. “I just didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. You’re a good friend Kurt, always there for me.”

    “hah it’s fine Katie. It would have been stupid to throw away the booking, looks like a nice place. And you look beautiful, seriously if you’d just sent a photo of yourself to Jays phone he’d be here in a flash.” Kurt chuckled and looked over to find a waiter. He was uncomfortable. ‘This fucking hurts like hell’ is what he was thinking but at the same time he knew he didn’t mind taking one for their friendship, she was a sweet person and always knew how to make him laugh once she relaxed enough.


    He couldn’t deny he was attracted to her. All he had to do was look over at her and it felt like if somehow a kick in the stomach was a good thing, but if he was that attracted why didn’t he do anything about it?


    He shrugged at this internal question and flipped the menu open. Katie was already studying hers her red brown hair falling across her face as she bent to read.

    “This is nice you know. There’s too much pressure going out on Valentines day and having this big fancy thing. I’m glad it’s just us and we can relax.“ She looked up at him as she finished and Kurt was reminded of why he had continued their friendship even after some of the harder days. She could be tough and confident but he’d seen her at her most fragile too and he knew what she was really asking.


    Can we just be old friends tonight?

    Kurt nodded and smiled softly at her.

    “Yeah you’re right, no pressure. Reminds me of that time share Lana had us all go with her to” Katie looked back up at him from her menu and beamed as much with relief than anything else Kurt thought.

    “Oh my god yes! Haha I don’t think anyone has worked so hard while on holiday then we did on that terrible thing.”


    Their silent agreement in place, the rest of the evening passed quickly as they reminisced and joked. The food was wonderful and as soon as the wine came Kurt found its gentle dulling of his senses combined with the comfortable atmosphere worked to put his mind at rest until he only saw his dear friend laughing and joking as they talked on and the restaurant slowly emptied.


February 19, 2013

  • Tunes Tuesday #6

    Been a good day today :)

    So I think this will be fitting:

    On Top of the World – Imagine Dragons

    If you love somebody
    Better tell them while they’re here ’cause
    They just may run away from you

    You’ll never know what went well
    Then again it just depends on
    How long of time is left for you

    I’ve had the highest mountains
    I’ve had the deepest rivers
    You can have it all but life keeps moving

    Now take it in but don’t look down

    ‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
    I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
    Waiting on this for a while now
    Paying my dues to the dirt
    I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ay
    Been holding it in for a while, ‘ay
    Take it with me if I can
    Been dreaming of this since a child
    I’m on top of the world.

    I’ve tried to cut these corners
    Try to take the easy way out
    I kept on falling short of something

    I coulda gave up then but
    Then again I couldn’t have ’cause
    I’ve traveled all this way for something

    Now take it in but don’t look down

    ‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
    I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
    Waiting on this for a while now
    Paying my dues to the dirt
    I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ay
    Been holding it in for a while, ‘ay
    Take it with me if I can
    Been dreaming of this since a child
    I’m on top of the world.

    ‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
    I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
    Waiting on this for a while now
    Paying my dues to the dirt
    I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ay
    Been holding it in for a while, ‘ay
    Take it with me if I can
    Been dreaming of this since a child

    And I know it’s hard when you’re falling down
    And it’s a long way up when you hit the ground
    Get up now, get up, get up now.

    And I know it’s hard when you’re falling down
    And it’s a long way up when you hit the ground
    Get up now, get up, get up now.

    ‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
    I’m on top of the world, ‘ay
    Waiting on this for a while now
    Paying my dues to the dirt
    I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ay
    Been holding it in for a while, ‘ay
    Take it with me if I can
    Been dreaming of this since a child
    I’m on top of the world.

February 14, 2013

  • Valentine Tale

    I kind of ran out of time to finish this right now but I’m hoping to have it done by tonight, or maybe tomorrow.

    But I’ll post the start and then you can have it in nice bite sized chunks ;)

    Also might I just say….I Love You <3

    May you all have a lovely Valentines no matter what you get up to or who you get up to it with ;)

    I have no plans myself but those that I can imagine having such plans with would almost certainly be people I met here anyway ;) so this is the most appropriate place to wish you all a happy valentines.

    I’ve also been accused rather regularly by more than one person of being a bit of a flirt :O lol ( You know who you are :P ) and I’d like to say…Am Not! >.< and also a big thank you to the beautiful girls of Xanga for often making me blush and putting up with my cluelessness :D

    =====I know you=====

    The rumble of jet engines as they accelerated towards the turning point onto the run way broke through into Kurts mind. He came back from where he’d drifted off to and stared at the steam lifting in gentle swirls from his coffee.

    It was a funny sound that, the endless lift offs and landings. Working in the airport you tended to tune it out, it must happen hundreds of times a day. But Kurt never really thought about how it made him feel, it held a promise that sound. Like in every moment ‘something’ was about to happen.

    He drained the rest of his cup and stretched looking back around him at the passing crowds. Through the press of people he caught a glimpse of June working the ticket desk. He didn’t really know her but they sometimes shared a lunch sitting here staring into the distance as jets came and went. He often found himself looking for her, he realised.

    Getting up he straightened his belt and uniform before walking slowly back through the crowd towards the processing area. June nods at him as he walks by, her eyes flicking up quickly to meet his before a traveller calls her attention back.

    Kurts phone buzzes in his pocket, pulling it out he reads the new text. It’s from Katie: ‘Plans fell through tonight u free for dinner later?’

    He types as he walks glancing up every so often to avoid oncoming passer-by’s laden with heavy bags.

    ‘Sure no plans tonight anyhow. Sry about your thing not happening’

    He hit send and then switched off his phone, the supervisors didn’t really mind so long as it was on silent but he didn’t feel like he was doing his job unless his attention was all in one place.

    The day pasted slowly and uneventfully, by the end of his shift he was feeling tired and dreamy again. He changed and slipped out avoiding the inevitable college chats as best as he could. Catching a bus he settled himself next to the window and stared out at the grey buildings passing by.

    He’d known Katie for just a bit more than two years now. They got on well, he’d even told her he liked her a couple times. But somehow it’d never gotten off the ground so they hung out every now and then or filled in for each other if plans fell through, like tonight.

    A conversation behind him caught his attention breaking his train of thought for a moment. A girl was talking loudly on her phone, probably to her boyfriend about valentines day. Kurt looked down at his watch ‘Oh shit, that’s today’ He thought, pulling out his phone and switching it back on.

    He called Katie and returned his view to the passing scene as he listened to the thrum thrum as it rung.

    “Hello?” Her voice was light, he was surprised to hear her sounding so cheerful.

    “Katie, I’m sorry I totally forgot it was Valentines. What happened to your thing tonight?”

    “Oh hehe” She chuckled and he could hear her voice change as she pressed the phone to her ear, probably bending to get something. “You’re so sweet Kurt, thank you for calling. But I’m fine, Jay had a lot on today, something came up. So we’re doing something tomorrow. You still free tonight?”

    “Ah okay, yeah. Hah I had no idea it was today I have to be honest.” He rubbed his face and rested his head against the window closing his eyes, he liked Katies voice it was cheerful when she let be.

    “So you’re still acting the lone wolf then huh?” She said her tone gently teasing. “Or are you trying to steal me from Jay?” She added chuckling.

    “Hehe yeah that was my plan all along, I waited till Valentines then mess up your plans and swoop in. I’ve been planning it for years.” He said playing along. He was surprised at the way this made him feel though, was he partly telling the truth?

    He opened his eyes and looked out at the middle distance again, biting his lips.

    “Hey my stop is coming up soon, I’ll call you in half an hour or forty mins once I’m all sorted”

    “Aww so I don’t get to have dinner with a man in uniform?” Katie asked giggling again. “Okay sweetie, I’ll see you then.” She made a kiss sound and the phone went dead.


    Kurt slid it back into his pocket and closed his eyes again, hugging himself as he rested against the glass.

February 11, 2013

  • Tunes Tuesday #5


    This one I bet not many have heard of :)

    This is a track from a Tuvan band, for those wondering Tuva is somewhere in Mongolia and this is Mongolian throat singing and traditional music, might not sound that great when it is described but give it a listen because it is actually really nice and quite hypnotic.

    Kara Turuya – Altai Sayan Tandy-Uuka

    No idea what the lyrics are, probably something to do with a horse :)

  • X Marks the Spot

    Well it has been all a bit exciting on Xanga over the last few days since somekind of spam or troll attack has been rating lots of sites as X-Rated and getting them locked out unless you happen to have gotten yourself certificated to that level.

    It is all rather annoying and has caused me to have to go onto Friend Lock for a bit, which is probably a good thing since my blog has been bombarded with footprints from California for months now which I assume is a spam bot…though I guess it might be my biggest and craziest Cali fan :P hehe

    Anyway the heroes of this little event are those rare Xangans with the X-Rated certification (You know who you are) because only they can go to locked sites and give them A ratings to balance everything out, so obviously in order to be as helpful as possible I am going to apply for that level of certification…you know to be helpful :P haha

    Don’t worry though I’m not about to start posting erotic stories, nudes or anything of that matter, i’ll just stick to the usual and go look at everyone elses X-Rated pages ;)

    A big thanks to all those who have rated my page back up to A (since this thing got me too a bit) and make sure you check your own blog rating to see if you’ve been effected, then get friends to give you a bump just incase.

    If you don’t know how it is rather easy, just go to your main Weblog page (not the private bit the main one with all your posts) then click the ‘Ratings’ pull down to the middle top left and select rate site, then go for A :D unless you happen to want to rate yourself otherwise, but be aware it is a counter system so the more towards the X the more likely you are to get over the thresh hold and then no one but those with X certification will be able to view your blog.

    But over all it seems to be a minor annoyance on Xanga, and I hope everyone is having a good start to the week! ^_^


February 7, 2013

  • Hill Folk

    Yesterday it was a rare time between the high winds and grey rainy days so since I somehow managed to drag myself out of bed sort of early and even saw sinlight shining through the windows, I thought today is the day to finally go on a long promised walk up the near by hills with my Dad.

    So we breakfasted got togged up and set off. It was also a good oppertunity to test some new clothing we’d gotten hold of.

    The day turned out to be cold but REALLY lovely, high on the hills it was a pretty strong wind and the ground was frozen and marked with pockets of hailstones but the sun shone most of the day and the late winter colours of the hills here and desolate bleakness was wonderfully beautiful.

    Sadly my camera was just not a match for such beauty, but with the help of Photoshop I think i’ve managed to recover some of the colours from the day. 

    I hope you enjoy the following images from the walk :)


    Silver Light on the way up.

    The Beauty of Grass.

    Still cold on the high ground.

    Cold Winter Sun.

    Pretty, Nothing.

    Little Mirror.

    Silver Pond.

    Big, Empty and Cold.

    A waterfall had been blown backwards over the grass at one point and caused a large area of wonderful frozen strands.

    Glorious :)

    On the way down the valley home.

    On the way back the clouds of snow came over and hit by the sun created indescribable wonders that changed every moment.

    Liquid Light.

    Some people don’t like the sight of these, but personally I think they look lovely.

    The Final glow of the day.

    It was bitterly cold and the wind was really strong, but the gear we’d taken was perfect and the whole day was a real treat, must have been a goo 5 – 6 hours walk and I was knackered afterwards but it is way too easy to forget how stunning getting out into the wilds can be.


February 5, 2013

  • Tunes Tuesday #4

    This time not only an auditory treat but visually quite a sight too ;)

    This song I first heard a version of on a brilliant film called The Inside Man, where they had a slightly rap version of this song (Chaiyya Chaiyya from the Bollywood film Dil Se) after that I hunted down this video which is the original version and a truly awesome bit of dancing, the guy in teh red jacket is just so cool :D hehe not to mention the level of fitness :O

    Keep your eyes peeled at 5:04 for the best hand movements ever seen in a music video :P

    Some may note I’ve posted this before, (at least I think I have) but it is totally worth seeing more than once in my opinion ;)

    If you are really curious I even just found a translation:

    song: chhaiya chhaiya
    film: Dil Se
    musicdirector: a r rahman
    songwriter: gulzar
    singer: sukhvindara singh, sapna wasthi

    jinke sar ho ishq ki chhaanv
    (those who have all-encompassing shadow of love over their head ( in
    this scorching heat of this world’s harsh realities) )

    paanv ke neeche jannat hogi
    (heavens will be below their feet)
    (=people who are blessed with someone’s love, live their life as if they
    have been living in the heaven)

    jinke sar ho ishq ki chhaanv

    chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    (walk underneath this shadow)

    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan

    sar ishq ki chhaanv chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    (your head is covered by the shadow of love, walk underneath this

    sar ishq ki chhaanv chal chhaiyaan

    paanv jannat chale chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    (you will feel as if your feet are walking on the land of heaven, walk
    underneath this shadow)

    paanv jannat chale chal chhaiyaan

    vo yaar hai jo khushboo ki tarah
    (that friend is like a fragrance)

    jiski zubaa urdu ki tarah
    (she speaks a language which is soft and meaningful like urdu)

    meri sham raat meri kaynaat vo yaar mera saiyaa saiyaa
    (my evening and night, my entire universe is that friend of mine, my

    chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan

    gulposh kabhi itraye kahin
    (clad in the flowers, sometime, she is showing off airs of highness,

    mehke to nazar aa jaaye kahin
    (when those flowers of her dress spread fragrance, i will be able to see
    her somewhere)

    gulposh kabhi itraye kahin
    mehke to nazar aa jaaye kahin

    tabeez bana ke pahnoo use
    (I will treat her like my talisman and wear)
    (tabeez: a sacred black thread with supernaturally processed metal block
    or stone having protective powers)

    aayat ki tarah mil jaaye kahin
    (if i find her somewhere like a divine sentence from holy Quraan-paak)

    tabeez bana ke pahnoo use, aayat ki tarah mil jaaye kahin

    gulposh kabhi itraye kahin, mehke to nazar aa jaaye kahin
    tabeez bana ke pahnoo use, aayat ki tarah mil jaaye kahin

    yaar hai vo eemaa ki tarah
    (that friend of mine is the sum-total of my integrity)

    mera nagma vahi mera qalma vahi
    (she is my song, she is (as pious for me as) the sacred chant of qalma)
    (qalma = first belief of mohammedans = la ilaha il lillah, mohammed-ur
    rasool allah)
    (= i take this promise in the name of allah that i do not know anyone
    other than one Allah, and that hajrat mohammed is messanger of Allah)

    mera nagma nagma mera qalma qalma
    (my song, song, my qalma, qalma)

    mera nagma nagma mera qalma qalma
    mera nagma nagma mera qalma qalma
    mera nagma nagma mera qalma qalma

    yaar misal-e-os chale
    (that friend of mine walks like pure, clear, shining little dew drops)

    panvo ke tale firdaus chale
    (when she walks, it appears as if she is not moving but heavens are
    moving below her feet)

    kabhi daal daal kabhi paat paat
    (sometime on the branches of trees, sometime on the leaf)

    main hawa pe dhoondhoo uske nisha
    (i am searching on the air for any clue of her presense)

    sar ishq ki chhaanv chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, sar ishq ki chhaanv chal
    paanv jannat chale chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, paanv jannat chale chal
    chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan chhaiyaan, chal chhaiyaan chhaiyaan
    chhaiyaan chhaiyaan

    main uske roop ka shaidaai
    (i am attracted to her beauty)

    vo dhoop chhaanv sa harjaai
    (she is innocent and energetic hence she reaches everywhere to everyone
    like the sunlight or the shadow)

    vo shokh hai rang badalta hai
    (she has a restlessness, hence she transforms her style)

    main rang roop ka saudaai
    (i am mad after her beauty and her fair color)

February 2, 2013

  • Strange things from the UK

    Okay so first off I was sitting in one of our upstairs rooms the one I use for my computer and I was talking to a customer who was having some computer issues. So I’d logged into her machine remotely to see what was going on and half way through I noticed a strange sort of beep noise and then some fluttering.

    Looking behind me I had to say a sentance I never imagined uttering. “Sorry Maggie but I’m going to have to call you back, because a Bat has just flowen into the room”

    This little chap (or chapette didn’t check tbh) somehow got into the house I have no idea how or when and was flying in circles around and around near the ceiling O.O

    So I called my dad in turned off all the lights and monitor and opened the windows, but it didn’t seem to care about all that and just kept circling. Eventually we went off and told my mum and brother and after everyone had confirmed this rather strange event hehe we finally managed to catch it in a bag (the grey one you can see in the pic) and pop it out the window.

    The tiny thing just sat there for a while then slowly crawled to the edge and flew off.

    The second bit of news is just too perfectly English to be ignored.

    I was listening to a satirical radio show this morning called the News Quiz. They have questions involving current news events and aparently, a London tube station was closed down recently due to a potential terrorist threat, when at least three people collapsed.

    It turns out though that the reason for their health problems was far more silly than scary.

    Due to the recent cold weather in London and the UK everyone has wrapped up warm and then when the weather changed to become slightly warmer, everyone kept wrapped up warm…and then they got on the tube and still didn’t take off any layers until they overheated and passed out wtf

    For a country that makes talking about the weather look like a national past time this has got to be the silliest potential terrorist event in history LOL

    Anyway hope everyone is having a nice weekend :) and you’re not either being attacked by creatures of the night or have enough sense to take off a few layers if you are over heating -_-

January 31, 2013

  • +-XZA-+ London

    ~Tales of Tokyo~

    Part One: OutBreak

    Part Two: Hack & Slacker

    Part Three: Hi I’m Jamie

    Part Four: Follow The Rules

    Part Five: For Reals

    ~Pony Tales~

    Part One: Note From Mom

    ~Fallen Saint~

    Part One: Dans Last Post

    Part Two: The Beginning of The End

    Part Three: The Fallen Saint

    Part Four: Garbage of The Dead

    Part Five: The Bell

    Part Six: Dead Men Tell No Tales


    Jagged grey objects loomed out of the cold mist that hung deathly quiet in the still waters flowing gently from the Thames. As their small boat approached Bede could see the harsh angular shapes of vast warships in a chaotic tide-washed jumble strewn across the coast.

    Slowly they made their way up the river as the smoke streaked skyline of the city faded into view through the mist. It wasn’t long before their path was blocked by half sunken ships and detritus washed down from the ruined metropolis.

    “Alright, well as ridiculous as it is that I’m actually saying this for real…but, you stay with the boat, I’ll go ashore.” Bede paused and looked out across the grey waterfront that faded quickly into the mist and grey buildings.
    “If I’m not back by dark…I’m probably not coming back”

    Margo looked at him silently for a while. “Alight, I’ll be here until dark” They hugged each other then, it was a kind of automatic need for reassurance that went beyond any other motivation and without another word Bede climbed over the side of the fishing boat and into a small skiff they had collected form an abandoned pier during their trip south.

    He made his way carefully to the embankment trying to limit the amount of noise his little boat made as he tied it up and climbed to the street. All around him the air was heavy with a damp cold fog which further reduced any sounds, leaving nothing but a silent light grey nothingness that extended in all directions.

    Crouching he turned on his radio receiver and this time keeping the volume to barely a whisper he turned the tuner until he reached the agreed upon setting.

    “Nushi are you out there? I’m going to make my way up to the Queen Elizabeth the second Bridge, I can’t go by water so I’ll be on foot on the northside of the river. Get in touch as soon as you can”

    He waited, listening to the quiet hissing of static. Just then a thin lonely wail pierced the enclosing fog, at first it sounded like some strange animal but as his attention focused Bede realised it was a violin. It rose and fell in a slow lamenting tune that echoed through the mist.

    Standing, Bede closed his eyes for a moment and listened to the strange echoing music, then he smiled un-slung his shotgun and made his way off into the city keeping the limpid waters of the Thames to his left.

    The violinist kept playing on and on until Bede identified it must be coming from the otherside of the river somewhere, for a while he closed and the sound got louder but soon it was once again lost in the blanket of mist as he continued towards the bridge.

    Finding a quiet spot near some waste ground Bede tried the radio again as he had done every twenty minuets since he left the boat.
    “These fucking things are useless” He muttered as he once again finished his message and stared out around himself into the enclosing greyness.

    “Well that’s not very nice” The voice sounded calm and slightly amused as it came from the receiver. “Hello! Are you there?” Bede said gripping the thing with a start.

    “Yes. I’ll be on the bridge, probably best we leave the city…it’s getting a bit tricky here” Then the static came back up and there was no further response.

    ‘Awesome!’ Bede said to himself punching his fist and picking himself up off the crate he’d been sitting on. “Finally you useless piece of sh…” Bede broke off as a dull thud thud thud and scattering of gravel broke into his awareness, suddenly out of the blank greyness a ragged human form exploded into view, its arms flailing wildly its black blood stained mouth opened wide.

    Bede grabbed his shotgun and in one quick upward ark brought the buttstock into contact with the Zombies jaw, the terrible bone crunching sound filled the fog heavy air as the creature somersaulted backwards and landed hard on the ground twitching.

    Bede moved over to it quickly and slammed his shotgun into its head three more times until it lay still. “Oh good, fast Zombies too” He muttered and made off at a quicker pace towards the bridge.  

    Following the river he finally reached an area filled with large grey cylindrical storage containers that loomed about him in the mist. He knew from research on google maps the bridge was just the otherside of them.

    Making his way through in the enclosing silence until several vast support legs came into view. Turning to his right he followed them as the level of the road slowly dropped above him. Eventually it was at grown level and he turned onto the car strewn tarmac, taking a deep breath he began up the slope.

    There had been too few zombies so far, for such a vast and populated city but he guessed that there must still be a few survivors within the city that were drawing their attention from the ragged edges, he certainly hoped so as he made his way up the lonely and exposed road bridge.

    Out over the water the fog seemed thicker and his pace slowed as the view distance closed in, his ears straining to forewarn him of anything that might be coming. Then he heard it, the scraping shuffle of footsteps.

    ‘One…two…three’ He muttered under his breath, it was definitely three or more sets and they were getting closer. He couched his shotgun to his shoulder and aimed into the swirling grey.

    “Nushi!” He called his voice barely more than a whisper. The footsteps paused, a few tense moments passed and then they restarted this time slightly more urgently. Bede backed up a couple steps and checked his escape route.

    Three gloomy figures entered the edge of his view distance, shuffling limbs hanging limply heads lolling to the side. He raised his gun again pointing at the first one on the right. Suddenly his target stiffens, stumbles and collapses.

    The other two pause for a moment then shuffle on quicker this time their heads raising to look at Bede, who in turn turns his aim on the next in line. This time he hears a ‘thunk’ and the creature moans slightly before it crumples to it’s knees, head hanging limp.

    The last zombie now sprints towards him, perhaps driven by the impending animal realisation of its meal slipping away. But before he can fire the scarred face of the man shambling towards him explodes in red and for a moment Bede sees the tip of an arrow jutting from where his eye used to be before the zombie tumbles past him and bounces off a car to lie still on the road.

    “You know” The voice startles Bede into looking back up to the first body, where a thin hooded figure is standing over it, one foot on the back of its neck as an arrow is pulled from its skull.
    “Apart form the silence” The figure moves over to the second zombie kicking it forwards before yanking the arrow from its head.
    “London hasn’t really changed that much” Close enough to see clearly now Bede can make out the thin figure of a young girl, she is wearing a sort of hooded robe over leather armour strapped to her securely to allow maximum freedom of movement.

    “Nushi! Thank god for that.” Bede says dropping his shotgun to his side. “Nice shooting by the way, I wasn’t too keen on firing this thing unless I really needed to”

    “Yes” Nushi says looking over at the double barrelled. “Not the most subtle weapon in the world is it.”
    “Are you ready to go?” Bede asks resting the shotgun over his shoulder.
    “Oh yes, I think that would be quite well timed actually…errm is the boat close by?” She replies flipping over the last body and dragging the blood red arrow from it’s skull.

    “Why?” Bede says looking nervously towards the distant side of the bridge that is completely obscured by the mist still.
    “Well, I did have to get through one of the most densely populated cities in England you know…and I think one or two might be following me” Just as she finished speaking Bede suddenly became aware of a slight tremble in the bridge.
    “One or two??!” He said looking at her his eyebrows raised, his shotgun back in both hands and pointing at the grey.
    “Perhaps one or two hundred, certainly enough that you won’t need that.” She looked down at the gun and slotted her arrows back into the quiver on her back, slinging the bow over her shoulder. “Come on” She adds turning and walking quickly and quietly into the mist back the way Bede had come.


January 30, 2013

  • A Dream

    I had this little scene as a dream last night.

    A large valley somewhere cold and bleak, the landscape is tundra and steppe with smooth dark brown and brooding hills in the distance.

    Within the flat valley floor a large square high walled town sits. The buildings are low and rounded, made of skins and sparse bits of pale wood, a few curls of smoke lift form the huts and tents.

    At the far end of the square walled area a large flat wooden plinth has been made and ontop of it in the middle sits a low wooden, bone and skin throne.

    Sitting on the throne is a man, he is old perhaps 50 or more and looks weather worn, his hair thin and flowing in the cold wind. But despite his age and the clear signs of battle scars and a hard life he is strong looking and very large, his body is trained and solid making him look as if he barely feels the bitter temperature of the tundra wind blowing over his exposed throne.

    His eyes are light ice blue and shine brightly as he watched the distant hills, his face a mask of worry lines and concern. He barely blinks his chin resting in his hand as he keeps up his watch.

    At his feet sits a large wardog. It is similarly battered and aged, with wisps of hair that mirror those of its master its eyes are similarly locked on the distant hills. The creature is entirely loyal and though treated harshly and brought into every fight this man has seen there is a sense of noble companionship and a deep trusting ‘brothers in arms’ relationship between this barbarian king and his dog.

    A grovelling envoy of the richer more distant realms further south stands on the dry ground before the plinth saying something of the good service and duty these brave barbarians are doing to hold back the ominous wild dangers beyond the hills.

    The king does not even look down at this man his eyes still locked in total attention on the threat of those low hills.

    The envoy finishes by looking at the wardog, at its hard scarred features and body, its loyal obedience and nobility. He says to the king that he should show a little kindness once in a while to this beast, for although it has been trained and guided through hardship it is as much in need of the softness and care of life as any other.

    To this the king looks down at the envoy and then to the dog. Within the kings mind he is aware of this need, aware that though this animal would never complain nor begrudge him or his actions he would also be heartened and strengthened by even the smallest act of kindness.

    And with this realisation the king also looks out across the low beige huts and sprawling town filled with his people, a people who have struggled thanklessly and without request for kindness for years in their selfless defence of a land far from theirs and feels within himself that same honour and resigned coldness that fills the dog, and that same waiting for even the smallest sign of approval or warmth.