October 27, 2012

  • From David to Goliath

    Or certainly something a bit more solid anyway.

    I have never been a bulky chap, mostly i’m just tall and thin. I’m fit-ish since I live somewhere so wild I have plenty oppertunity to go out and wander about, so for walking and hiking i’m pretty sorted…but due to my passion for computers and the iffyness of our weather I do tend to spend a little too long in on the PC rather than out doing something fitness oriented.

    Add to this my total lack of persistence when faced with even the most loose daily routine and most exercise systems and techniques quickly fail to stick :/

    But thanks to the unpleasant experiance of not eating properly for several weeks last year due to illness and then being left with a body that would not have looked out of place as a skeleton for halloween I have been inspired to find somekind of routine that I will stick to this year.

    All of that preamble is to introduce Isometrics! :D

    The basic concept is not to use equipment or spend much time on a whole ‘workout’ but instead to use our own built in workout equipment…our own body.

    This concept has always appealed to me even before I had a real desire to workout because it is as simple as you can get. Rather than having a whole setup or having to go to a gym (which for a anti-social chap like me is never going to be an option) Isometrics uses just your body and resistance to exercise each different muscle group, but since you are using your own body to workout the targetted group, it is always also working the rest of your body, giving a much more holistic workout and growth.

    Even better it limits the potential damage you can do to yourself, unlike when using equipment. With weights and other forms of workout, you are always at risk of doing just a bit too much and being taken out of action simply by lifting a weight slightly off balance. But with Isometrics you are in total control, your strength is helping to build on its self, so as you get stronger so does your workout, it’s naturally designed to level up slowly and safely.

    I have been doing an Isometric workout for the past couple weeks now and although I have no impressive before and after shots (that i’m quite willing to share…yet ;P) I can’t deny that even after a short time I’ve been feeling much more ‘solid’ and there is an un-deniable sense of development. Best of all though (considering my lazy tendancies) the workout i’ve been doing takes the shortest possible time of any i’ve ever looked at, not more than 20mins for even the longest one.

    And since they are broken up into one body area per day throughout the week most of the time it’s less than even 20mins. Of course I could do more and once i’ve gotten used to them I think I will be but for now even doing the bare minimum it’s been encouraging to feel the benefits.

    So once I get brave enough to post pics of myself in nothing but me boxers i’ll see if I can start my very own fitness challenge for myself to track any progress :)

    And if you’ve ever felt the need to workout but like me been daunted by the time lost or the equipment needed then I very much recommend this program: 7Seconds to a Perfect Body

    I think the best bit of it is that he’s actually a really nice and clear guy who explains each exercise and the benefits very clearly and gently, none of these buff workout guys getting overly excited and ripping shirts off :P just a quiet funny Irish guy telling you the basic info with no extra fluff.

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